Efficient, responsible, and technological
forestry operations
Our highly efficient forestry operations use advanced technologies and adopt the best sustainable practices in the sector. Our planted eucalyptus forests are certified by the FSC® (FSC-C113536) and PEFC, attesting to our sustainable approach to forest management and compliance with legislation. Today, 98% of our planted forest areas are leased from local partners. Eldorado Brazil licenses and certifies the land and is responsible for the wood management and production cycle, contributing to the economic development of partner producers.
To ensure wood can be continuously harvested and delivered to our industrial plant in Três Lagoas where the pulp is produced, Eldorado Brazil has a long-term forestry plan that includes 21 years of planting, enough for three forest growth cycles. This guarantees uninterrupted supply of raw material to the mill, at a rate of one truck load of wood every 5 minutes.
Our seedling nursery in Andradina, São Paulo State, creates 16 million seedlings per year, maintaining the quality and cultivation of our eucalyptus forests. The wood is harvested mechanically through an efficient and safe method that uses modern equipment with telemetry and remote sensing, allowing the process to be monitored in real time. Eldorado Brasil provides quality management in the field through its Forestry Excellence Program (ProEF), which focuses on continuously improving forestry processes, and the +Qualidade Program, which involves auditing activities to ensure the quality of the raw material. The company’s Forest Intelligence Center monitors forestry indicators to ensure market competitiveness.