Eldorado obtained important certifications, such as the Mais Integridade (“More Integrity”) seal from Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply. Another highlight of 2023 was the completion of the EBLog terminal for exporting pulp from the Port of Santos in São Paulo, which was a significant step forward for our logistics team, making the transportation process more efficient and autonomous.
In 2022, with the factory operating at 20% above capacity, Eldorado Brasil celebrated its 10 anniversary, bringing forward its planned pulp production by 11 years, an unprecedented milestone. In the same year, Eldorado also joined the UN Global Compact's CFO Coalition for the SDGs, an initiative that aims to align corporate investments with sustainable development goals related to companies.
Eldorado Brazil begins construction of a new terminal at the Port of Santos, which will quadruple its static storage capacity to 125,000 tons of pulp. The company is audited and recommended for Forest Stewardship Council® FSC®(FSC-C113536) certification for the 10th consecutive year, attesting to its responsible forest management. The company attends the 26th United Nations Climate Conference (COP26), participating in discussions on climate change and the role of industry in halting the process.
to the purchase and distribution of basic food baskets, PPE, and tests in various municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo. The company wins a tender for the STS14 area at the Port of Santos, increasing the terminal’s shipping capacity to 2.5 million tons per year. It also becomes a signatory of the UN Global Compact, committing to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Works are completed on the Onça Pintada power plant, which will begin producing green energy from eucalyptus biomass in 2021.
The mill’s operational efficiency reaches 96%, a benchmark in the pulp sector. Eldorado Brazil also breaks its sales record, with 1.89 million tons sold. Another highlight is the renewal of the company’s forestry fleet, including the acquisition of 580 new machines and pieces of equipment. Construction work on the Onça Pintada power plant begins.
Records are also set in finance, with net revenue of R$4.6 billion, net income of R$816 million, and an EBTIDA margin of 67.4%. The company is rated Ba3 by Moody's and upgraded to BB- by Fitch. In forestry, it achieves a record harvest of 6.5 million cubic meters of wood. At the end of the year, it obtains a licence for the Onça Pintada power plant.
(14% above nominal capacity) and record sales of 1.721 million tons. The company acquires a 170-hectare area in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul, for the Onça Pintada power plant. On top of all this, it has PEFC certification from the Brazilian Forestry Certification Program.
thanks to its operational efficiency in industry, forestry, sales, and logistics. In April, the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) wins the tender for the Onça Pintada thermoelectric power plant—a pioneering initiative that will generate green and renewable energy from the biomass of unusable wood chips, roots, and stumps, with a production capacity of 50 MW/h.
stops harvesting eucalyptus in the state of São Paulo, concentrating its forestry operations in Mato Grosso do Sul. The company’s forest operations are 85% mechanized—a record in the sector. The cornerstone of the Vanguarda 2.0 Project is laid, which aims to expand pulp production in the medium term and establishes the Três Lagoas mill as the world’s largest industrial pulp production complex.
—5% above the mill’s nominal capacity. Records will continue to be broken in the coming years. The company receives the license needed to expand its production in the medium term to 4 million tons per year. Eldorado innovates in forestry and is the first company in Brazil to use artificial intelligence in its forest inventory process.
and achieves 100% of the quality required in the international market in just two months of production.
with a single production line, is inaugurated in a 900-hectare area of Três Lagoas. The company’s Forest Management Plan is implemented and its eucalyptus forests receive international certification from the Forest Stewardship Council® FSC® (FSC- C113536).
After the cornerstone is laid, work begins on the Três Lagoas mill, with an investment of R$4.5 billion.