Green energy for the
mill and for Brazil
We are self-sufficiently powered by clean, renewable energy that we generate from the biomass of eucalyptus residue. Our power generation park is capable of generating 220 MW per hour. This energy is used by our mill and by partner industries in our industrial complex, while all surplus is supplied to the national electricity grid. In 2021, our Onça Pintada thermoelectric power plant entered into operation, producing 50 MW of green energy per hour from the biomass of eucalyptus stumps and roots and other unusable wood. We thus became the only pulp company in the country utilizing 100% of the eucalyptus in its production chain as part of a circular economy.
We are self-sufficiently powered by clean, renewable energy that we generate from the biomass of eucalyptus residue. Our power generation park is capable of generating 220 MW per hour. This energy is used by our mill and by partner industries in our industrial complex, while all surplus is supplied to the national electricity grid.