hectares of forest in areas designated for conservation.
We are energy self-sufficient: we generate green, renewable energy from the biomass of eucalyptus residue
consumes less fuel and emits
fewer greenhouse gases
we have achieved one of the sector's best rates of water consumed per ton of pulp produced
our forests absorb more carbon from the air than our operations emit
Our greenhouse gas emissions have been falling since the company began thanks to the introduction of technologies and improvements in industrial processes
We have cataloged 460 fauna species and 445 flora species in our forests in Mato Grosso do Sul
through responsible socio-environmental actions
in accordance with the criteria established by the Forest Stewardship Council
the business remains competitive while preventing pollution
and respect local biodiversity
in terms of planted forests and energy generation from renewable sources
with stakeholders
for all genders, races, and ethnicities
based on stringent health and safety criteria
and foster a culture of continuous improvement.
Forestry certification and best practices
Environmental efficiency management
Innovation and technology
Human and organizational development
Development of local communities
Diversity and equal opportunities
Transparency, ethics, and anti-corruption