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Sustainable Operations

Eldorado Brazil always strives to ensure the sustainability of its operations through studies and monitoring of natural resources, working tirelessly to improve the environmental quality of its processes, products, and services. We invest in cutting-edge technologies, innovations, and management and control tools to increase the efficiency and sustainability of our operations. The result is continuous evolution of our environmental indicators in parallel with successive pulp production records achieved in recent years. In other words, we produce responsibly, in line with sustainable development goals, ensuring the sustainability of natural resources for current and future generations.

More efficient,

more sustainable

Eldorado Brazil always strives to ensure the sustainability of its operations through studies and monitoring of natural resources, working tirelessly to improve the environmental quality of its processes, products, and services. We invest in cutting-edge technologies, innovations, and management and control tools to increase the efficiency and sustainability of our operations. The result is continuous evolution of our environmental indicators in parallel with successive pulp production records achieved in recent years. In other words, we produce responsibly, in line with sustainable development goals, ensuring the sustainability of natural resources for current and future generations.

We operate


Eldorado Brazil is a forestry-based company committed to nature, biodiversity, the responsible use of natural resources, and development of the communities where we operate. With our organizational culture rooted in this objective, we are seeing continued growth on the global pulp market through environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Our national and international environmental certifications endorse the company's sustainable practices, which are aligned with key global industry references.

Facts & Figures

  • Our modern wood transport fleet

    consumes less fuel and emits
    fewer greenhouse gases

  • With consecutive reductions,

    we have achieved one of the sector's best rates of water consumed per ton of pulp produced

  • Our cabron balance is positive:

    our forests absorb more carbon from the air than our operations emit

  • Our greenhouse gas emissions have been falling since the company began thanks to the introduction of technologies and improvements in industrial processes

  • We have cataloged 460 fauna species and 445 flora species in our forests in Mato Grosso do Sul

Eldorado Brazil has a negative carbon balance: our forests, both planted and native, absorb 12 times more carbon from the air than our operations emit, neutralizing greenhouse gas emissions across the process. Our forests are nationally and internationally certified, reflecting our environmentally sound, socially beneficial, and economically viable approach to forest management.

We produce pulp

while removing carbon from the air

Eldorado Brazil has a negative carbon balance: our forests, both planted and native, absorb 12 times more carbon from the air than our operations emit, neutralizing greenhouse gas emissions across the process. Our forests are nationally and internationally certified, reflecting our environmentally sound, socially beneficial, and economically viable approach to forest management.


  • Our forests

  • Waste Management

  • Biodiversity management

  • Self-sufficiency through green energy

  • Water resources

Our commitment:

to be sustainable

Sustainability permeates everything we do—from the seedling nursery to eucalyptus planting, harvesting, and transportation, from pulp manufacturing to the logistics of the global distribution chain. We are sustainable in everything we do. In practical terms, this means using responsible production practices to achieve the best results for our business, the environment, the communities where we operate, and our employees. All under a modern and transparent management and governance model. Our Sustainability Policy breaks this commitment down into nine pillars.
  • 1

    Ensure the business remains competitive

    through responsible socio-environmental actions

  • 2

    Comply with all relevant legislation and regulations

    in accordance with the criteria established by the Forest Stewardship Council

  • 3

    Innovate and develop technologies that ensure

    the business remains competitive while preventing pollution

  • 4

    Use natural resources sustainably

    and respect local biodiversity

  • 5

    Contribute to Brazil’s INDC

    in terms of planted forests and energy generation from renewable sources

  • 6

    Build ethical and transparent relationships

    with stakeholders

  • 7

    Ensure fair and equal working conditions

    for all genders, races, and ethnicities

  • 8

    Provide a motivating work environment

    based on stringent health and safety criteria

  • 9

    Invest in professional training

    and foster a culture of continuous improvement.



Sustainability is one of Eldorado Brazil’s key drivers of growth on its path to leadership in the global pulp market. Our sustainability management is structured around eight priority topics that constitute the company's ESG strategy—our commitment to environmental, social, and governance criteria. These topics each have their own goals and indicators that allow us to track our performance and impacts, in addition to being aligned with the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact—to which Eldorado Brasil is a signatory—and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We are signatories of the UN Global Compact and we respect the universal principles that govern human rights, the workplace, the environment, and the fight against corruption. These commitments are part of the Eldorado culture.

Culture of respect for

universal principles

We are signatories of the UN Global Compact and we respect the universal principles that govern human rights, the workplace, the environment, and the fight against corruption. These commitments are part of the Eldorado culture.


and sustainable development goals


Forestry certification and best practices

Environmental efficiency management


Innovation and technology


Human and organizational development

Development of local communities

Diversity and equal opportunities


Transparency, ethics, and anti-corruption

“Green Seal”

We grow in balance with nature. National and international certifications attest to our environmentally sound, socially beneficial, and economically viable approach to forest management, while our practices are designed to prevent and mitigate environmental and social impacts.