are given induction training when they join the company—immersing them in the business, operations, routines, and values.
technical, and behavioral training to reinforce standards and technical matters, develop specific skills, teach English, and more.
future leaders through training, mentoring, and coaching.
its employees in ethics and compliance, covering topics such as corruption, harassment, human rights, diversity, the principles of the company's code of conduct and ethics, and others.
to present their innovative ideas through incentive programs such as Inovar, which focuses on improvements in the industry, and Inova+, which focuses on forestry.
(ESP) is implemented in the region where we operate in Mato Grosso do Sul and includes socioenvironmental education activities for employees, with a focus on sustainable development and environmental preservation.
more than 5,000 employees across Brazil and worldwide
invested in training in 2023
of training in 2023
in Brazil and worldwide
of training in 2023